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JavaScript Voronoi port

I have always been amazed by some of the digital art work that Mario Klingemann (aka @Quasimondo has created using with Voronois. After doing some searching, I found an early ActionScript 1 Voronoi implementation that Mario did, and I ported it to …

JavaScript QuadTree Implementation

Last week I was playing around with a little EaselJS experiment which required me to do collision detection against all items on the screen. This worked fine with a small number of items, but of course, the more items I added, the slower everything …

Example : Creating spiral designs with Canvas, JavaScript and EaselJS

I have been having fun playing around with JavaScript, the HTML5 Canvas element and EaselJS lately, and have been building a lot of small experiments. I wanted to share a simple one I created, which creates spiral designs. The example was pretty …

PixelFlow : EaselJS / Canvas Dynamic Graphics Example

If you have happen to have been watching my Flickr feed for the past week or two, you have probably noticed that I have been playing around with creating some graphics using Canvas and EaselJS. What started as a simple EaselJS experiment, quickly …

Detecting Canvas.toDataURL Support in Browsers

I am wrapping up a code example that uses the Canvas.toDataURL API to save canvas data to an image. I am almost done, and was doing a final round of browser testing when I noticed that my example wasnt working on my Android based Google Nexus One …

Setting the background color when generating images from Canvas.toDataURL

One of the cool features of the HTML5 canvas element is the toDataURL method. This returns a Base64 encoded image in the form of a data url string. Among other things, this can be displayed directly within an IMG element on the page, or sent to the …

Layering Multiple Canvas Elements using JavaScript and EaselJS

If you run my EaselJS Drone Follow example from yesterday on any non-Android / iOS computer / device, you may notice that a graphic is drawn between the mouse touch point and the current position of the drone. This is done by managing and drawing to …

EaselJS / Canvas Example : Follow Drone

As I posted the other day, I have been spending some time playing around with dynamic drawing with the HTML5 Canvas element and EaselJS. I have put together quite a few examples and experiments and will be posting them (along with what I learned from …

Getting Started with the Canvas Element and EaselJS

One of the features of HTML5 that developers are most excited about is the Canvas element. The Canvas element essentials provides a bitmap canvas for dynamically rendering shapes and bitmap graphics. It is very similar to the Flash Player’s …

POC - Implementing HTML 5 Video Element using JavaScript and Flash

Since the first leg of the European on AIR Tour wrapped up, I have had some time to take some time and research / play around with some new technologies. In particular, I have been looking into the HTML 5 draft spec, as well as some of the work that …

Encapsulating Ajax Calls in an XHTML Friendly Way

In the comments for my post from the other day titled “Encapsulating Ajax XMLHTTPRequest Calls within JavaScript classes”, Kevin F noted that using document.write was not allowed within an XHTML document. Now, this isn’t directly …

Encapsulating Ajax XMLHTTPRequest Calls within JavaScript classes

The guys over at Fold posted an article on how to use multiple XMLHTTPRequest (XHR) calls within a single page. This is something that I have had to tackle in my own work, and though I would write up how I solve this issue. This post describes a …

Removing HTML Element children with JavaScript

Just a quick fyi, but if you are doing work in JavaScript and need to dynamically remove all of the childNodes from a DOM element, make sure to do it with a while loop, and not a for loop. For example, this is bad: function …

Shell Scripting on OS X with ECMA / JavaScripttags

Just this week I switched to OS X and found my self wanting to really take advantage of the shell. I have always wanted to be able to do shell scripting in a language that I know well, and I finally found a solution (I know enough bash shell …
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