mike chambers | about

About Mike Chambers

Mike Chambers has spent the two decades supporting, fostering, and advocating for developer and creative communities. During that time, he has worked with numerous technologies including Flash, .NET / C#, Flex, Objective-C, Cocoa, JavaScript, HTML5, Dart and Flutter. He is currently the Senior Director for Community at Adobe, responsible for worldwide community engagement for Creative Cloud and Adobe Express.

Mike has written and spoken extensively on Web, Flash and Rich Internet Application development and is coauthor of the Apollo for Adobe Flex Developers Pocket Guide, Adobe Integrated Runtime (AIR) for JavaScript Developers Pocketguide, Flash Enabled: Flash Design and Development for Devices as well as Generator and Flash Demystified.

Mike received his Masters in International Economics and European Studies from the John Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) in 1998.

When he is not coding, Mike can be found playing video games, writing code, taking photographs or hanging out with his two daughters.

On the Web

Various Projects

Opensource Contributions

Books and Publications


The site is generated using HUGO with a custom style theme.

Social Media Vectors by Vecteezy. The fonts used on the site (Source Sans Pro, Source Serif Pro, and Source Code Pro) are provided by Google Fonts.

This blog was originally launched on December 9, 2000, and currently has 1570 posts and over 12,000 comments (currently not displayed).



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