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App Ideas for DRK 6?

Josh Dura has made a post asking what type of apps / content do developers want to see on DRK 6. Head over to Josh’s weblog and post your suggestions.

DRK 4 : 3D Pie Chart Example

Peter Hall has put together a very cool example of the 3D Pie Chart component from the Flash Charting Components Set 2 on DRK 4. He has used the extrude depth of the pie chart to display additional information, and has added some code so that the …

Online Poll / DRK 4 Pollster

You may have noticed the online poll on the right of the page. This is actually the Flash interface to the Pollster sample application included on DRK 4. Pollster includes the following: A Flash Interface to place on your website. Complete Admin …

DRK 4 is Now Available

The DevNet Resource Kit Volume 4 (DRK 4) is now available for for DevNet Essentials subscribers and for individual purchase ($99). Yes, you heard that right, no more three months before you can buy it individually. This DRK is probably our most …

DRK Sneak : Pollster Test

At FlashForward last week, I gave a sneak peak of some of the content on DRK 4 (due out shortly). One of the things I showed was a polling sample application, that uses Flash as the interface. Well, here is your chance to check it out. This is a …

The Edge : DRK : The Secret of Developing Components

The new EDGE newsletter is out and among other things has an article about the DevNet Resource Kits (DRK), and the development process and steps behind the components on the DRK. You can read the article here. [via greg burch]

And the winners are...

Wow. We were really blown away by the response to the DRK ad spoof contest. The creativity of some of the entries was simply amazing. So much so, that we decided to pick three winners instead of one. And the winners are (in no particular order): UI …

DRK AD Spoof Contest : Pick a Winner

We have chosen some winners for the DRK 3 Ad spoof contest. Yes, I said winners (plural). We had so many great submissions that we decided to give away 3 copies of DRK 3. We have picked two winners already, but want to let the community vote on the …

DRK : Week View Example 2

I have posted another example of the Week View component from the Flash UI Component Set 5 on DRK 3. This example creates a simple TV listings browser, and uses the Week View component to navigate through the days. You can view an archived working …

DRK : Week View Example 1

I have uploaded another component example from Flash UI Component Set 5 on DRK 3. This one uses the Week View component (DRK 3) as well as the Advanced Calendar Component from DRK 2. You can view a working archived version here This example is …

DRK 3 : Accordion Pane / Slider Examples

I have uploaded another example of some of the components included the DevNet Resource Kit (DRK) Volume 3. This example uses the Accordion Pane and Slider components, and demonstrates sorting sections, and changing the transition speed within the …

DRK 3 : Tab Component Example 1

Here is another example of one of the DevNet Resource Kit (DRK) 3 components. This one is an advanced usage of the Tab component, which shows how to specify custom tabs (in this case to add icons to the tabs). It also uses the TextField Component. …

DRK 3 : TextField / DataValidation Example 1

I have been getting some requests for some examples of the components included on DRK 3, so I am going to try and post a bunch over the coming days. The first example is a simple one showing how to validate user input using the TextField component …

Spoof me and win a DRK contest

OK. As many of you have noticed, some of our DRK marketing materials use some pictures of me. You can see some examples on the macromedia home page (you may have to reload it a couple of time) as well as here, here and here. Well, I don’t know …

Downloading DRK 3 from your subscription portal

If you are a DevNet Pro or DevNet Essentials subscriber, DRK 3 will be available for download from Your on-line subscription portal in the next couple of hours. You should receive an email when it is available. Update : DRK 3 is now available for …

Macromedia Flash UI Components Set 5

As I posted earlier, the DevNet Resource Kit Volume 3 (DRK 3) is available today. One of the highlights of DRK 3 is the Flash UI Components Set 5. The new component set includes the following components: Tab View: The Tab component provides an …

ColdFusion content on DRK 3

DRK 3 is the first DRK that we have released with full ColdFusion content. Christian Cantrell, the server community manager, has posted some info and screen shots of all of the ColdFusion content included on DRK 3. You can view the info here.

DevNet Resource Kit Volume 3 is Available

DevNet Resource Kit Volume 3 (DRK 3) is avaliable today to DevNet Pro and DevNet Essentials subscribers. DRK 3 contains Flash, Dreamweaver and for the first time, complete ColdFusion content. So what Flash content does it contain? Flash UI Component …

Which DRKs are included with DevNet Pro

I have been getting a lot of questions today about which DRKs are included with DevNet Pro Subscriptions. So here is the answer. When you subscribe to DevNet Pro, you get: DRK Special Edition (Contains a selection of the extensions and components …

DRK 3 Sneak Peak?

I had forgotten that this page was on-line, but Waldo pointed out today that we have a page on the website which describes some of the content planned for the next DevNet Resource Kit (DRK 3). You can view the info here. I can’t give an more …

What Content do you want to see on the next DRK?

DRK 3 is shaping up very nicely. We have all of the Flash components and some other cool stuff lined up, and I have some time to get some additional content together. So, what type of content do you want to see on the next DRK? Articles, sample …

Introducing Macromedia DevNet Subscriptions

Today we announced Macromedia DevNet Subscriptions. There are two levels of DevNet subscriptions: DevNet Professional and DevNet Essentials. DevNet Essentials is a yearlong subscription to the DevNet Resource Kit (formerly Developer Resource Kit) and …

DRK 1 : Stock Services Example Online

I have finally gotten around to putting up an example of the Stock Services sample application available on the Developer Resource Kit Volume 1. The application uses Macromedia Flash, Flash Remoting, ColdFusion MX and the Flash Remoting Stock …

DRK Component Documentation Online

The documentation for some of the Flash Components from the Developer Resource Kits is now online. DataGrid Documentation from DRK 1. Flash UI Component Set 4 Documentation from DRK 2. I think we are still working on getting the other documentation …

FYI : DRK Promotion is about to end

Just a quick FYI, the Developer Resource Kit promotion (buy one get one half off) ends this Saturday (January 31, 2003). The promotion allows you to buy DRK 1, and then get DRK 2 for half price. Below is a list of some of the Flash related content …

Thinking about Subscriptions

I have been meaning to post this for a while, but haven’t had a chance until now. Since we launched the Developer Resource Kit (DRK) about 5 months ago, I have seen a number of posts requesting that we make the DRKs available via some sort of …

Quick Reminder : DRK Promotion (few more days)

This is just a quick reminder that the current Developer Resource Kit promotion expires in a little over a week (January 31, 2003). If you buy DRK 2 you can get DRK 1 for half price. You can find more info here.

Buy DRK 2 get DRK 1 for Half Price

I just noticed that we are running a promotion on the DRK. If you buy DRK 2, then you get DRK 1 for half price. You can find more info here.

Another DRK Contest

I am planning on holding another “Find Cartoon Mesh” DRK contest similar to the run i ran last week. However, this time, Cartoon Mesh (or should it be mini-mesh) will be hidden on my blog or one of the other Flash related weblogs. So, if …

Find Cartoon Mesh : Win a DRK

Things are still a little slow because of the holidays, so I thought I would reward regular readers of my weblog with a contest. Sometime this week, I am going to place Cartoon Mesh (see right) somewhere in a post on my weblog. The first person who …

I'm back / DRK examples

I hope that everyone had a good holiday. I am back from some “time off” and am trying to get back into the swing of things. It looks like I finally have the resources necessary to post some DRK 2 (or 1) examples online, so if there is …

DRK : Save 10% : Last Day

The Edge Newsletter is running a promotion where subscribers to the newsletter can receive 10% off of the DRK (it doesn’t specify if it is DRK 1, 2 or both). Unfortunately, I just found out about it today, and today is the last day that the …

DRK 2 : Advanced Calendar and Color Picker Example

I have put up a simple example using the Advanced Calendar and Color Picker components. The components are part of the Flash UI Component Set 54which is available of volume 2 of the Developer Resource Kit. You can view the example here. I will try …

Developer Resource Kit : Volume 2 : Now Available

Volume 2 of the Macromedia Developer Resource Kit is available today. This volume contains Flash, Flash Remoting, ColdFusion, Fireworks and Dreamweaver content. The Flash content includes: Flash UI Component Set 4, which includes the following …

DRK : Stock Services Sample Application Update

I have found an issue with the Stock Services sample application and ActionScript / ColdFusion Library available on the DRK. In the Stock.cfc ColdFusion component file, the following code that starts at line 89: <cfset var startMonth = …

DRK : Work-around for component installation problem

We are getting a couple of reports of people having problems installing extensions / components from the Developer Resource Kit (DRK). If you have a problem, there are two work arounds: When the extension manager opens, save the extension to your …

DRK : ToolTip Component Examples

Stuart Schoneveld (illogicz.com) has put together a couple of examples showing the ToolTip component from the Macromedia Developer Resource Kit (DRK). You can view them here.

DRK : New DataGrid Example : Editable Fields and StyleProperties

Fridays are usually slow, so i decided to put together another quick example of the datagrid component available on the Macromedia MX Developer Resource Kit. You can view the new example here. Among other features, the example shows off editable …

DRK : DataGrid info updated

Just a quick FYI. We have updated the information on the DataGrid component on the Developer Resource Kit website. It now includes a listing of some of the features of the component. You can view the description here. You can see an example of the …

DRK Example : DataGrid Component

I have put up a simple example of the datagrid component that shows some of the more advanced features. You can view the example here. The datagrid component is available as part of the Developer Resource Kit.

ANN : Macromedia MX Developer Resource Kit

On Friday, we announced a new product line, the Developer Resource Kit. It contains components, extensions, articles, samples applications and other resources (including a complete archive of the Designer and Developer Center). Some of the new Flash …
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