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DRK : Stock Services Sample Application Update

I have found an issue with the Stock Services sample application and ActionScript / ColdFusion Library available on the DRK. In the Stock.cfc ColdFusion component file, the following code that starts at line 89:

<cfset var startMonth = Month(startDate) />
<cfset var startDay = Day(startDate)/>
<cfset var startYear = Year(startDate) />
<cfset var endMonth = Month(endDate) />

should be changed to:

<cfset var startMonth = Month(startDate) - 1 />
<cfset var startDay = Day(startDate)/>
<cfset var startYear = Year(startDate) />
<cfset var endMonth = Month(endDate) - 1 />

If you noticed that the sample stock charting application began acting erratically, this should solve the problem. Sorry for the hassle.

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