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Want some Apollo Stickers?

We have a ton of Apollo Stickers, which we have been giving out at Apollo Camp and other conferences. I know that not everyone can get to the conferences, so I wanted to give everyone a chance to get some Apollo schwag.

So, if you would like some Apollo stickers, just send a self addressed envelope to me at:

Mike Chambers
C/O Adobe Super Apollo Sticker Bonanza
601 Townsend St
San Francisco, CA, 94131
United States

Make sure to include your email address in the envelope (although it is not required) in case I need to ping you (I won’t use the email for anything else). Don’t bother putting postage on the envelopes. Ill send the stickers out as soon as I receive the envelope (as long as I have stickers left).

Oh yeah, be creative with your envelope, and maybe Ill send out some t-shirts also. Ill post the best ones on Flickr.

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