Podcast : April 5, 2006
As I mentioned last week, I decided to start up a new podcast. Christian and I had done a couple of podcasts together last year, but as they took too much time to produce, we ended up not having time to do very many. My podcast will be a little less polished, but hopefully I will be able to do them a little more consistently.
I have just uploaded the first podcast.
Download April 5, 2006 PodcastTopic covered in this podcast include:Post any suggestions and questions on the podcast in the comments.
- Introduction
- Open Source ActionScript 3 Libraries
- FlexUnit - ActionScript 3 unit testing framework
- RSS / Atom Library
- Public Subversion Repository for developer relations
- del.icio.us ActionScript 3 API
- Flow Mashup Application
- Flex 2 Styling
- Ideas for future podcast guests
- Podcast license
Here are the links mentioned during the podcasts:
- Original Podcasts with Christian Cantrell
- Adobe Labs (download betas of ActionScript 3, Flex 2)
- ActionScript 3 Open Source Libraries
- Darron Schall on unit testing
- E4X Support in ActionScript 3
- Developer Relations Public Subversion Repository
- Flow Mashup Screenshots
- JSON / ActionScript Tutorial
- Yahoo APIs with JSON support
You can subscribe to the podcast via my RSS 2.0 feed.
