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Special Podcast : History of Flash

This week I have a special edition of my podcast. It is a recording of an online discussion myself, Mike Downey, Kevin Lynch and Eric Whitman had on the history of Flash. Originally recorded on August 9th, 2006. Download Flash 10th Anniversary …

Reminder : New Podcast Posted

Just a quick reminder, but I posted a new Podcast on Friday afternoon. This podcast includes a discussion around Apollo as a Runtime with some members of the Apollo engineering team. You can find more info as well as grab the podcast from here. Btw, …

Podcast : July 14, 2006

I just posted this week’s podcast Download Podcast for July 14, 2006 fyi, I am going to try to start releasing the podcasts earlier in the week (around Tuesday or Wednesday). Update : Fixed issue with podcast enclosure in RSS feed. This weeks …

Podcast : July 7, 2006

I just posted this week’s podcast Download Podcast for July 7, 2006 This weeks podcast discusses: Where have I been? Flex 2 Launch Impact of early access to builds on Labs Flex.org What did we actually release? Blaze / Flash Authoring 9 AS3 …

Podcast : May 10, 2006

I just posted this week’s podcast Download Podcast for May 10, 2006 This weeks podcast discusses: Flex beta 3 Release Beta 2 to Beta 3 Changes Implications of early access to betas Beta 2 to Beta 3 Application compatibility Flash Player 9 Beta …

Podcast : April 26, 2006

I just posted this week’s podcast Download April 26, 2006 Podcast This weeks podcast discusses: FITC Overview FITC Keynote Creating Components in Flex 2 Blaze Flash / Photoshop Integration in Blaze Flash Player 8.5 renamed to Flash Player 9 …

Podcast : April 12, 2006

I just uploaded this weeks podcast. Download Podcast for April 12, 2006 This weeks podcast discusses: Open Source ActionScript 3 Libraries Update Delicious ActionScript 3 Library Impact of early access to technology through labs Posting Volume on …

Podcast : April 5, 2006

As I mentioned last week, I decided to start up a new podcast. Christian and I had done a couple of podcasts together last year, but as they took too much time to produce, we ended up not having time to do very many. My podcast will be a little less …

Starting podcast : What would you like to hear?

I think I am going to start up a new podcast pretty soon. I already have an idea what I am going to do on it, but wanted to check here and see what everyone would be interested in hearing about, or who I should invite onto the podcast? Suggestions? …

MXNA Podcast Contest Winners

A couple of weeks ago, we put together a contest encouraging everyone to take advantage of the creative commons license the podcast is released under. We announced the winners in the latest podcast, and for your reading and listening pleasure they …

Macromedia Podcast #3 and the new Maelstrom ExternalInterface API

We have just posted the Third Macromedia Developer Relations podcast. Lots of good stuff in there including an interview with Mike Williams (engineer from the Flash Player team) about Flash version detection, Christian on History Management in RIAs, …

Macromedia Podcast #2

The second Macromedia Developer Relations podcast is now available. You can find more info about the content, as well as download and listen to it from here. UPDATE: You can download an archived version of the podcast from here

Contest : Macromedia Podcast Remix / Mashup

As I posted yesterday, Christian Cantrell and I just released the first Macromedia Developer Relations podcast. We weren’t sure how well it would come out or how well it would be received, and have been blown away by the positive response thus …

Macromedia Developer Relations Podcast #1

You may have seen this yesterday, but Christian Cantrell and I have put together the first Macromedia Developer Relations Podcast. It is 30 minutes of pure Macromedia geek, and covers the latest news and happenings around Macromedia technologies. …
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