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DARCI : Destiny 2 PVP web platform

DARCI is a self hosted platform for aggregating, viewing and analyzing Destiny 2 PVP stats. Released as an open source project in 2023, it is available for download from the DARCI Github project page. DARCI provides similar functionality to …

Ascendant : Destiny 2 PVP Dashboard App for MacOS

Ascendant is a MacOS desktop application for collecting and analyzing your Destiny 2 PVP stats. Originally released in 2023 it is available for download at ascendantapp.info. The application provides what is probably the most comprehensive view, …

DCLI : Command Line Interface for Destiny 2 PVP data

DCLI (Destiny Command Line Interface) is a suite of command line tools for syncing and analyzing Destiny 2 PVP data. Originally released in 2001, it is written in RUST, and available for Mac, Windows and Linux. The code for the project is released …

Redrix - Destiny 2 PVP Companion App

Grant Skinner and I have released a new iOS and Android app for Destiny 2. Redrix is a Destiny 2 PVP companion app which gives you information and stats when playing Crucible mode in Destiny 2. The response from the community has been overwhelming. …
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