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Accelerate : Flash / Arduino Based Speed Detector

Well, as you may have noticed from my blog posts the past week or two, I have been playing around with Flash and Arduino. I have a ton of ideas and projects in mind, but wanted to start on something that wouldn’t be too overwhelming, and would …

Flash / Arduino Tips, Tricks and Gotchas

This is a ongoing post where I will post tips, tricks and gotchas that I learn while developing with Flash and the Arduino. I will update this from time to time with more information. Make sure you are using the correct BAUD Rate If your Flash / …

Quick Contest : Flash and Arduino

I have been working with integrating Flash and Arduino on a project lately, and really having a blast. It was pretty easy to get started, yet there is a ton of extensibility and flexibility. Well, I don’t want to be the only one having this …

Getting Started with Flash and Arduino

In this post, I will show how to setup your development environment and started developing Flash projects that integrate with the Arduino electronic platform. So, what is Arduino? From the website: Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping …

Sending Multibyte Numbers from ActionScript to Arduino

If you follow me on twitter, then you have probably noticed that I have been learning about Flash, physical computing and electronics lately. I started out working with Phidgets, and have recently begun working with the Arduino (Ill write up Flash / …
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