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Monitoring File Changes in Adobe AIR

I have just uploaded a new class to the as3corelib library that makes it easy to monitor files for changes. The class is called FileMonitor, and is in the com.adobe.air.filesystem package. Here is a simple example of it in use: import …

Monitoring System Volume changes with Adobe AIR

I am at FITC Amsterdam this week, where I had a talk on Desktop Development with Adobe AIR. One of the things I showed was how to get notifications when new volumes / drives are added / removed to a machine. This could be useful if for example, you …

AIR Bug : AIR Install dialog is displayed in wrong language

There is a known issue with the Adobe AIR 1.5 install on Mac where in certain circumstances the install dialog will appear in the wrong language (usually Japanese or Chinese). If you run into this, here are the steps to work around it: Go to System …

Growl support for Adobe AIR applications

One of the top feature requests that end users have been asking for from AIR applications (on Mac) is the ability for those applications to leverage the open source Growl notification framework on Mac. However, this was not previously possible due to …

flump : Flickr Dump

Over on the on AIR bus tour blog, I just posted about a new app that Lee Brimelow and I put together on the bus, called flump. It is a simple AIR application that will download all of the public images from a Flickr account. You can find more …

Serializing File Reference Instances in Adobe AIR

In one of the projects I am working one with the Adobe AIR bus tour, I had a need to serialize instance of File class to the file system. Normally you can do this with File.writeObject(), but as the player serializer / de-serializer does not know …

Capturing Command Line Arguments in an Apollo Application

Here is a simple example that shows how to capture command line arguments passed to a Flex based Apollo application. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" …

Why Apollo?

There has been a lot of excitement, interest and discussion around Apollo, especially since we released the public alpha on labs last week. One thing that has come up a couple of times, is confusion over what Apollo is as well as what value it …

Simple HTML Based Apollo Example

Most of the docs and examples for the Apollo alpha are Flex / ActionScript focused (next beta will be more focused on HTML / JavaScript). However, you can build Apollo applications using just HTML and JavaScript. Here is a simple example that shows …

Simple Apollo Offline Caching Example

I have put together a very simple example of how to download and cache items to the files system. This can be useful if your application needs to work offline, or if you want to optimize performance and don’t want to have to keep downloading …
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