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Looking Back : WowTCGUtility Mac App for World of Warcraft TCG

The WoW TCG Utility is a native Mac OS X application for searching and managing cards for the World of Warcraft Trading Card game. This was an app I worked on from 2009 to 2010, and released as a free, open source project (released under an MIT License).

You can view the project page as well as download and view all of the code from the WoW TCG Utility Github Page.

Note that compiled binaries are no longer available. I spent some time trying to compile it, but didn’t have any luck given how old it is.

The app provided a database of all WoWTCG cards and made it easy to search, filter and create decks. In addition, it had a mode where you could pull cards out into individual windows, which could be used to play remotely with a friend by streaming your desktop (something with I actually did a couple of times).

Features included:

The data and art work was from various sources online, heavily modified to fix errors and ensure quality. In fact, the project offers a really good source for the actual card data, at least up into 2010.

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