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Results from AS3 Development Task Contest #1

I have just completed running all of the performance tests for the ActionScript 3 Development Task Contest #1.

The result below are tentative until I have confirmed that the code follows the rules (and spirit) of the contest. If you see any issues with any of the top 5 submissions, please post them in the comments. You can view all of the entries in the contest’s GitHub repository.

You can download and view the results as a csv file here .

All examples were compiled with MXMLC from the Flex SDK 3.4 (Version 3.4.0 build 9271), with the following command:

mxmlc --target-player=10.0.0 -compiler.source-path ~/src/PerformanceTest/ -- TestRunner.as

Results were obtained by running TestRunner.as. TestRunner.as ran each test 300 times per run. The TestRunner was run a total of 5 times (with the SWF reloaded each time).

Test were run in Safari Version 4.0.4 (6531.21.10) on Mac 10.6.2 in Flash Player 10,0,32,18 (regular). The Mac was a MacPro 2 x 3 GHZ Quad Core Intel Xeon with 8 GB RAM.

I will finalize results and announce the winner either late tonight, on Wednesday (I am traveling on Tuesday). Check back here for updated information, or follow my twitter account at @mesh. I will be awarding prizes to multiple submissions.

UPDATE : (November 17th, 2009) : I am declaring the entries final. Arnaud Gatouillat is the overall winner, and wins Flex Builder, a tshirt, etc… In addition, given some of the great results that we got from the submissions, I am also going to award a prize (their choice of a tshirt from threadless.org) to the next 3 top entries, which include Grant Skinner, Jim Cheng, and Jean Phillipp Auclair. If you are one of the top four entries, please email me at mesh@adobe.com and we will work out the details.

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