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Parsing and displaying BMP files via ActionScript

I don’t have a formal computer science training / education, so I never got the chance to learn about working with low level data structures (bits and bytes). I have wanted to learn this for some time, but had difficulty finding resources for it which didn’t assume I had a computer science degree.

Well, yesterday, FITC posted all of the video sessions from FITC Toronto, and I spent some time watching Lee Brimelow’s presentation on working with ByteArrays. It is a really great session, that provides a clear and solid foundation and understanding of working with ByteArrays and bits and bytes.

Anyways, after watching Lee’s session, it all finally clicked for me, and I spent some time last night putting together a simple parser that would dynamically load and display a 24Bit BMP image file within Flash.

I wanted to post the code below, along with complete comments, in order to provide a simple, real world example for anyone else interested in learning how to work with lower level file formats.

The code requires Adobe AIR (so I can load the BMP directly). In order to convert to the Flash Player in the browser, just replace the File loading with FileReference.browse.

	import flash.filesystem.File;
	import flash.filesystem.FileStream;
	import flash.filesystem.FileMode;

	import flash.display.Sprite;
	import flash.display.BitmapData;
	import flash.display.Bitmap;
	import flash.utils.Endian;

	import flash.geom.Rectangle;

	[SWF(width='550', height='400', backgroundColor='#FFFFFF', frameRate='12')]
	public class BMPViewer extends Sprite
		private static const MAGIC_NUMBER:String = "BM";
		private static const BMP_DATA_OFFSET_POSITION:int = 0xA;
		private static const WIDTH_POSITION:int = 0x12;
		private static const HEIGHT_POSITION:int = 0x16;

		public function BMPViewer()

			Loads and reads a 24 Bit bitmap file.

			Based on BMP info from:
		private function loadBMP():void
			//Load BMP. This requires AIR.
			//Use FileReference.browse for
			//Flash Player
			var bmpFile:File = new File("app:/image.bmp");
			var fs:FileStream = new FileStream();

			//BMP files are Little Endian, which means their
			//least significant byte is first (right to left)
			fs.endian = Endian.LITTLE_ENDIAN;

			//open the file in READ mode
			fs.open(bmpFile, FileMode.READ);

			//check the first two bytes to make sure
			//it is a valid BMP file
			if(fs.readUTFBytes(2) != MAGIC_NUMBER)
				trace("FAIL : NOT A BMP FILE");

				//not a BMP file, close steam
				//and exit

			//note, we could also grab the length from the
			//header and make sure the file was the correct

			//change the cursors position to the point
			//in the header that contains the value / offset
			//of where the actual bitmap data begins
			//read in the 4 Bytes that contain the value
			fs.position = BMP_DATA_OFFSET_POSITION;
			var dataPosition:int = fs.readInt();

			//set cursor position to where the BMP
			//width is stored
			fs.position = WIDTH_POSITION;

			//read in the 4 Bytes that contain the width
			var bmpWidth:int = fs.readInt();

			//read in the 4 Bytes that contain the height
			var bmpHeight:int = fs.readInt();

			//set cursor to where the BMP pixel data begins
			fs.position = dataPosition;

			var row:int = 0;
			var column:int = 0;

			//every row length in a BMP file must bee a multiple
			//of 4 (see the spec). So, we need to determine how much
			//padding we need to add at the end of each line.
			var padding:int = (bmpWidth % 4);

			//create a fixed length Vector to store the pixel
			//values as we read them.
			var pixels:Vector.<uint> = new Vector.<uint>(bmpWidth * bmpHeight, true);

			//loop through data (rows and columns)
			//note that data stored in BMP is backwards to Flash and is
			//stored from bottom row up, not top row down.
			//So we have to loop backwards
			var counter:int = 0;
			for(var i:int = bmpHeight; i > 0; i--)
				for(var k:int = 0; k < bmpWidth; k++)

					var position:int = ((i - 1) * bmpWidth) + k;
						This is the original code that I had which works fine
						but is not as effecient as what I have now.

						Basically, Pixels are stored within 3 sucessive Bytes
						in a BMP file, with one Byte each for Blue, Green and
						Red values (in that order).

						So, this reads the Bytes for each pixel, one at a time
						and then combines them into a single value which is
						the combined RGB pixel value.

						I left the code as I think it make it a little easier to
						understand what is going on, as well as how some of these
						calls can be optimized.

					var blue:int = fs.readUnsignedByte();
					var green:int = fs.readUnsignedByte();
					var red:int = fs.readUnsignedByte();

					pixels[position] = (red << 16 ^ green << 8 ^ blue);

						Here is the final code which is more efficient, as it only
						needs to make 2 read calls in order to get the values.

						Thanks to Thibault Imbert (bytearray.org) for pointing out
						and helping me understand the optimization.

					//bytes in file are in Blue, Green, Red order
					//int is 32 bits (8 bytes). So, we store the first two bytes of the pixel
					// (which contain the Red value), and
					//then shift everything over 1 byte (8bits) to make room for
					//the green and blue values (remember the file is little endian), which we
					// then write into the int in the right position
					//The final value has the colors in the correct order (Red, Green, Blue)

					var pixelValue:uint = fs.readUnsignedByte() | fs.readUnsignedShort() << 8;
					pixels[position] = pixelValue;

				//we are at the end of the row, so now we have to move the cursor
				//forward so it ends on a multiple of 4
					fs.position += padding;

			//done reading file, close stream.

			//create a Rectangle with width / height of Bitmap
			var rect:Rectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, bmpWidth, bmpHeight);

			//create the BitmapData object to hold hold the BMP data.
			//we do a red fill here so it is easier to see if we have any errors
			//in our code
			var bmpData:BitmapData = new BitmapData(bmpWidth, bmpHeight, false, 0xFF0000);

			//copy the BMP pixel data into the BitmapData
			bmpData.setVector(rect, pixels);

			//create a new Bitmap instance using the BitmapData
			var bitmap:Bitmap = new Bitmap(bmpData);
			bitmap.x = 10;
			bitmap.y = 10;

			//add Bitmap to the display list

Thanks to Lee for his presentation, and Thibault Imbert who helped me understand some of the details around endianes, as well as made some suggestions for optimizations.

If you are interested in learning more, I strong suggest watching Lee’s FITC Presentation.

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