Heading to Europe to Speak on AIR and Flex
Stockholm, Berlin, Warsaw, Prague, Munich and Milan are the cities I will be stopping in as part of the second leg of the European on AIR Tour. I will be MCing the event, and giving a session on building your first AIR application with Flex.

The first leg was completely sold out, and the second leg is getting close. We have a full day of sessions which cover everything you need to know to get started developing AIR applications using Flex, Flash or JavaScript. We have also upped the schwag, and in addition to the requisit t-shirt and stickers, will be giving everyone a copy of Adobe AIR for JavaScript Developers Pocketguide, and the RIA ActionScript Reference Guide.
I am really excited about this leg of the tour. This will be my first time in Warsaw, Prague, Munich and Milan, and I have only been to Berlin and Stockholm a few times.
You can find all of the information on the tour on the website. Make sure to register before all of the events are sold out.
If you are in any of the cities, please help spread the word. If you blog about the tour, post a link in the comments, and Ill send out a sticker and launch postcard (created by eBoy).