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onAIR Tour : Leg 2 Of On Air Tour In Europe Close To Selling Out

Originally posted on onair.adobe.com blog.

Well, we are less than a month away from the second leg of the on AIR Tour in Europe. Everyone has finally recovered from the first leg, and we ready to load up the backpack, and hit the trains for the second leg.

I am really excited about this second leg of the tour, as we are going a little further east, and visiting some cities that we don’t get to quite as often as the others. We will be visiting:

Registration is going well, and the cities are close to selling out, so head over to the tour site and register today.

We also have some new schwag for leg 2, which Ill be posting about shortly.

As always, you can keep up with the tour by following this blog, and the tour’s twitter account.

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