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onAIR Tour : Scotch On Air April 11 In Dublin

Originally posted on onair.adobe.com blog.

As we posted a couple of weeks ago, we had to postpone the Dublin event. This was a hard decision to make, especially because registration on the first leg has been so high, but circumstances conspired against us. However, the guys from the Scotch on the Rocks conference have gotten together with the Dublin Adobe User group, and are putting on a half day event on Flex and Adobe AIR in Dublin.

Both Ryan Stewart and Ted Patrick from Adobe will be speaking, along with Kev McCabe (who is organizing the event). If you were planing on checking out the on AIR Tour in Dublin, then make sure to register for this event. It is on April 11th, and the event is free.

We sent some of the swag from the tour to give away at the event, so there will be plenty of goodies to give out.

You can find more information, including directions, the agenda, and how to register at the event site.

Btw, if you make Ryan and Ted feel bad enough about our having to postpone the Dublin on AIR event, then maybe you can get them to buy a round of Guiness!

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