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Tons of new Flex / AIR articles and videos online

Craig Goodman just sent out an email highlighting some of the new Flex and AIR content on the Adobe Developer Center.


Uploading files to a server from an Adobe AIR application
Explore different scenarios that leverage the Adobe AIR framework for uploading files from a user’s desktop to a remote server.

Mashing up Google Maps with Adobe AIR
Explore how to integrate web tools such as Google Maps with an Adobe AIR application.

Taking a Flex app to the desktop
Learn to use Adobe AIR specific features when deploying a browser-based Flex app to the desktop.

Communicating between Flex and .NET
Learn how and when to use the three most popular HTTP request/response mechanisms used for communicating between Flex and .NET, and get a practical comparison of the three.

Building a standalone Adobe AIR app on salesforce.com with Flex 3
Learn how to build a simple desktop Adobe AIR-based application that uses the Apex platform to access the salesforce.com infrastructure.


Rick Treitman, Buzzword / Virtual Ubiquity
Flex, AS3, deployed via Flash player (AIR version soon to come)

Anthony Franco, Discovery Channel`s Cancer Collage
Flash and Flex

Frog Design - Disney Travel Agent Application
AIR, Flex, and Flash and Photoshop CS3 for building comps

Alan Queen - Digimix
AIR, Flex and ActionScript 3

John Wu - Ora Time and Expense Tracker
AIR, HTML, JavaScript, EXTjs framework

Ed Finkler - Spaz.AIR
AIR, HTML, JavaScript

Tm Bray and Robert Cadena, Searchcoder Dashboard
AIR, Flex and LiveCycle Data Services

Marc Hughes, AgileAgenda
AIR, Flex, PHP

Josh Hirsch, Big Spaceship / HBO
AS3, Flash, FLV, Photoshop (comps), After Effects, Papervision

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