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onAIR Tour : Half Way Point Of North American Bus Tour

Originally posted on onair.adobe.com blog.

Last night we were in Cincinnati, which was the half way point of the North American portion of the bus tour. The event went really well, and we had a really good turnout (had to bring in some more seating). It was held in an old church and the only issue that we ran into was that the microphone system kept going down because we kept blowing fuses (I guess the church’s wiring system wasn’t made to handle 60 laptops being plugged in at once).

Some of the highlights of the tour thus far:

Being half way done with North America means that we still have half of the events to go. We are heading into Pittsburgh for an event tonight, and it looks like it is going to be a pretty big crowd. You can find a list of the rest of the cities on the North American tour, as well as information on how to register on the bus tour schedule page.

You can view all of the photos from the first leg of the tour in the bus tour Flickr group.

You can see all of the videos from the first leg of the tour here and here and here.

View blog posts about the tour.

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