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Announcing Apollo Camp San Francisco

The Apollo team is hosting a mini Apollo conference named Apollo Camp. Apollo Camp is a one night, single track conference hosted by Adobe covering everything developers need to know about getting started with building Apollo applications using Flex.

Who : Anyone interested in using Flex to build Apollo Applications

What : Apollo Camp - one night mini conference for Flash and Flex developers interested in getting started with Apollo

When : March 16th, 2007. 5 PM PST - 11:30 PM PST

Where : Adobe San Francisco Office. 601 Townsend St, San Francisco, CA 94103

You can find the latest agenda and other information on the event page. It is shaping up to be a pretty cool event.

The event is free, but registration is limited to the first 300 people.

Btw, everyone attending will get a copy of the Flex / Apollo Pocket Guide published by O’Reilly that we have been working on.

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