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Free Flex Link / Info

I made a post last weekend pointing out that the Flex SDK (Framework and compilers) would be free (for commercial and non-commercial use), and was surprised by the number of people who didn’t know this.

Well, it turns out that we haven’t really made it easy to find out and so are in the process of making some changes throughout the website and labs to make this clearer.

In the meantime, if you are looking for information on this from the Adobe website, we have a page that discusses the SDK and the fact that we will be releasing it for free (along with info on the free version of Flex Data Services.

From the page:

Along with beta 1 we are announcing that the Flex framework will be made available free of charge through the Flex Software Development Kit, which will include the command line compiler and documentation required to develop, compile, and deploy Flex applications that connect to XML and SOAP web services with no additional charges or server licensing required. We also plan to make Flex Data Services 2.0 free of charge for use by a limited number of concurrent users on a single, non-clustered server.

You can find more info here.

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