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Kevin Lynch on Web 2.0, Flash and HTML

Kevin Lynch has posted his thoughts on Web 2.0, Flash and HTML. He discusses a lot of the topics covered during his Web 2.0 conference session last week, and focuses on how Flash and HTML can be used together to build Web 2.0 applications, and provide an all around better user experience.

Flash brings capabilities that HTML doesn’t currently have, and they can be used together to great benefit - in fact, Flash has already been architected to fit perfectly in the Web 2.0 model.

This is not about Flash vs. HTML or Ajax. It’s using Flash + HTML with the Ajax approach to build Web 2.0 applications

I had posted on a similar topic last month, which you can find here.

Also, you can view a video of Kevin’s Web 2.0 conference session here or on google video.

You can read Kevin’s post here.

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