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Quick Contest : Find what is new?

We just uploaded a mini release of the Macromedia XML News Aggregator. There are some cool new things in there, but instead of telling you what they are, Christian and I thought it would be fun to have a quick little contest.

So, the first 3 people to post in the comments describing one of the new features / changes to MXNA will win a Flash Timbuktu Messenger bag (these are sweet). Make sure to include a URL pointing to the new feature / change, as well as your email address (so I can contact the winners). Once a feature / change has been posted in the comments it cannot be reused.

Btw, If you were one of the people that Christian and I pinged last night showing off some of the new features, then you are not eligible (sorry).

You can view the Macromedia XML News Aggregator (MXNA) here.

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