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See you in February

Macromedia has a really great sabbatical program. For every four years you work here, you get a 6 week, paid sabbatical. Well, I have been at Macromedia for about 4 1/ 2 years now which means I am finally eligible for my sabbatical.

So, today is my last day in the office until February 14, 2005 (in additional to the sabbatical I am taking a week off next week, and we get a week off for Christmas). What does this mean? Well, my weblog probably wont be updated much if any, and I probably wont be checking my Macromedia email that often (if any). I will still be on IM, so if you want to chat, feel free to ping me.

So what am I going to be doing over my sabbatical? Well, we are trying to buy a house, so I can’t take any big trips, but I will be hanging out with my daughter, playing video games (mostly Halo 2), reading, programming, exercising (finally), and just generally relaxing.

Anyways, it has been a great first four years, and I want to thank everyone in the Flash community for all of the dedication and passion they have put into the community. You have made Flash a success, and made my job a lot of fun. Try to rest up over the holidays, because 2005 is shaping up to be one of the most exciting in Macromedia and Flash’s history. See you in February.

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