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Max Wrap-up / Sneak Peaks Video

Well, Max is over and it was a blast as usual. I didn’t get to blog as much as I wanted, although I did blog the keynote live.

The highlight of the conference for me was the sneaks session, which I organized and MC’ed. I was blown away by some of the stuff we showed (Captivate made my jaw drop!). I was also blown away by about 800 saxophone whistles that we passed out (note to self, high-pitched noise makers, and 800 excited designer / developers are not a good mix).

Josh Dura has posted some video of the Flex, Central, Flash Player and Flash Authoring sneaks (first and only time we have ever shown 8-Ball, the next version of Flash authoring).

Here are some other link with summaries and info on the conference:

Make sure to check out the video posted by Josh, it shows some very cool stuff.

Update : We just posted video of the complete day one and two keynotes, which you can view here.

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