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Announcing Macromedia Flex

We have just released the initial version of Macromedia Flex and have updated the website with tons of information, including a new Flex Developer Center and an updated Flex product page.

I have also put together a Breeze presentation that talks about what Flex means for Flash developers and designers. Summary? While Flex is definitely targeted at developers who have not been able to use / understand the Flash authoring tool in the past, it does offer some potential opportunities for current Flash developers and designers.

Nigel Pegg has also put together a great article describing his take on Flex from the perspective of a Flash developer. You can view his article here.

We have also added a Flex category to the Macromedia XML News Aggregator (MXNA).

I am really excited about Flex. While I won’t be using it much (I already know how to do this stuff in Flash authoring), I think it has the potential to really expand the reach of Flash rich applications to a new class of developers. This can only help expand and grow the Flash platform.

You can view my Breeze presentation here.

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