Flash Desktop Wallpaper Contest
Since the Central desktop wallpaper contest was such as success (nearly 90 submissions), we have decided to do a similar desktop wallpaper content for Macromedia Flash.
Here are the details:
- Submission Deadline is Friday, April 2, 2004
- The Macromedia Flash team will pick the winner.
- You can enter multiple times
- To enter post links to your wallpaper in the comments of this thread.
- Bonus points for providing your source files for other to modify.
- Bonus points for providing multiple sizes, including:
- 800 x 600
- 1024 x 768
- 1280 x 1024
- 1280 x 854
- 1600 x 1200
The prizes will be:
- 1st : Choice between an Xbox gaming console or a Timbuk2 Flash Messenger bag (see pict below)
- 2nd : What ever is not chosen from the first prize
- 3rd : A Random Macromedia T-shirt

You can download some Flash graphical assets from here .
Post your submissions in the comments.