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Central Wallpaper Contest Winners

Well, after going through the 80+ submission, and then counting all of the votes for the 10 finalists, we finally have a winner for the Central Desktop Wallpaper contest.

Here they are:

In 3rd place, and the winner of a stylish Macromedia Central T-Shirt, we actually have a tie:

In a very close 2nd place, and the winner of a Central tube of goodies:

Created by Abel Rios

And finally, in first place, and the proud new owner of an Xbox is:

Created by Scott Barnes / Team Mossy Blog

If you are one of the winners, send an email to me at mesh@macromedia.com with your mailing info.

Thanks to everyone who entered and voted. We were completely blown away by the response, and may do a similar contest for Flash in the future.

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