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W3CDateTime ActionScript Class

As part of the ActionScript 2 Atom class that I am putting together, I have created an ActionScript class that represents a W3CDateTime string. This is the format that Atom uses to represent dates.

A beta of the class and simple usage example is included below. If you have any questions or suggestions (especially parsing optimizations), or find any bugs, please post them in the comments.

Here is a simple example of the class in use:

import com.macromedia.date.W3CDateTime;

var timeString:String = "2004-02-05T16:36:35-05:00";


var d:W3CDateTime = new W3CDateTime(timeString);
trace(new Date(d.getTime()));

Here is the entire class:


	Mike Chambers

	Represents a date in the W3CDateTime format as described in


	version .60

	Known Issues:
		-The class does not support decimal seconds. Any decimal seconds
			specificed in a W3CDateTime string will be lost / removed.

		-Look at optimize parsing code
		-Extensive Testing
		-Look into supporting decimal seconds

	Thanks to:
		Tatsuo Kato, Peter Hall and Gary Grossman for help with determining the
		UTC offsets.

/*Extends the Date object*/
class com.macromedia.date.W3CDateTime extends Date

		Constructor. Optionally takes a WC3DateTime string that the instance
		will represent.

		Otherwise, it represents the time that the instance was created.
    public function W3CDateTime(dateString:String)
        if(dateString != undefined)

		Takes a W3CDateTime formatted string and sets the instance to represent
		the date and time represented in that string
    public function setDateTimeString(dateString:String):Void
            //this.dateString = dateString;

		Returns a W3CDateTime formatted string that represents the date represented
		by the current instance.

		Takes 4 optional arguments which specifies the format of the string:

		incMonth : Whether the month should be included.

		incDay : Whether the day of the month should be included.

		incHours : Whether the hours and minutes should be included.

		incSeconds : Whether the seconds should be included.

		Note, that all output will be a valid W3CDataTime item.
    public function getDateTimeString(incMonth:Boolean,
		return W3CDateTime.parseDate(this, incMonth, incDay, incHours, incSeconds);

		Returns the full W3CDateTime string represented by the instance.
    public function toString(Void):String
		return getDateTimeString(true, true, true, true);

		Returns the Year the W3CDateTime represents in the following format:
	public function getW3CYear(Void):String
		return getFullYear().toString();

		Returns the Month the W3CDateTime represents in the following format:

		where 1 = January
	public function getW3CMonth(Void):String
		return (getMonth() + 1).toString();

		Returns the day of the month the W3CDateTime represents in the
		following format:
	public function getW3CDate(Void):String
		return getDate().toString();

		Returns the hour the W3CDateTime represents in the
		following format:
	public function getW3CHours(Void):String
		//adjust for utc?
		return getHours().toString();

		Returns the minutes the W3CDateTime represents in the
		following format:
	public function getW3CMinutes(Void):String
		return getMinutes().toString();

		Returns the seconds the W3CDateTime represents in the
		following format:
	public function getW3CSeconds(Void):String
		return getMinutes().toString();

		Returns the UTC offset the W3CDateTime represents in the
		following format:

		Note, if there is no offset, it will return
	public function getW3CUTCOffset(Void):String
		return W3CDateTime.formatTimezoneOffset(this);

		Static functions that takes a String representation of a number and adds
		a leading 0 if it is a single digit.
	public static function padDigit(digit:String):String
		if(digit.length < 2)
			return "0" + digit;

		return digit;

		Static function that takes an ActionScript Date object and returns
		a well formed W3CDateTime String that represents the specified date.

		Takes 4 additional optional arguments which specifies the format of
		the string:

		incMonth : Whether the month should be included.

		incDay : Whether the day of the month should be included.

		incHours : Whether the hours and minutes should be included.

		incSeconds : Whether the seconds should be included.

		Note, that all output will be a valid W3CDataTime item.
	public static function parseDate(inDate:Date,
		if(inDate == undefined)
			return undefined;

		if(incMonth == undefined)
			incMonth = false;

		if(incDay == undefined)
			incDay = false;

		if(incHours == undefined)
			incHours = false;

		if(incSeconds == undefined)
			incSeconds = false;

		var now:Date = new Date();

		var w3cString:String = now.getFullYear().toString();

			return w3cString;

		w3cString += "-" + W3CDateTime.padDigit((now.getMonth() + 1).toString());

			return w3cString;

		w3cString += "-" + W3CDateTime.padDigit(now.getDate().toString());

			return w3cString;

		w3cString += "T" + W3CDateTime.padDigit(now.getHours().toString()) +
							":" + W3CDateTime.padDigit(now.getMinutes().toString());

			//need to format the timeset appropriately
			return w3cString + W3CDateTime.formatTimezoneOffset(now);

		return w3cString + ":" + W3CDateTime.padDigit(now.getSeconds().toString()) +

		Static methods that takes an ActionScript date instance, and returns
		the UTC offset in the format used in a W3CDateTime string.

		The format is:


		If the offset is 0, then method will return
	public static function formatTimezoneOffset(d:Date):String
		var timezoneOffset:Number = d.getTimezoneOffset();

		if(timezoneOffset == 0)
			return "Z";

		var operator:String = (timezoneOffset > -1)? "+" : "-";

		if(timezoneOffset < 0)
			timezoneOffset *= -1;

		//what if offset if 0 or less
		var hours:String = (timezoneOffset / 60).toString();
		var seconds:String = (timezoneOffset - (hours * 60)).toString();

		return operator + W3CDateTime.padDigit(hours) +
							":" + W3CDateTime.padDigit(seconds);

		Static method that takes a W3CDateTime string and returns an
		ActionScript Date object that represents the string passed in.
    public static function parseString(dateString:String):Date
		if(dateString == undefined || dateString.length < 1)
			return undefined;

		var YYYY:String = dateString.substr(0, 4);
		var MM:String = dateString.substr(5, 2);
		var DD:String = dateString.substr(8, 2);
		var hh:String = dateString.substr(11, 2);
		var mm:String = dateString.substr(14, 2);
		var ss:String = dateString.substr(17, 2);
		var s:String = "";

		var offsetOperator:String;
		var offsetHours:String;
		var offsetMinutes:String;

		var offset:Number = 0;
		var operator:Number;
		var indexBump:Number = 0;

		if(dateString.substr(19, 1) == ".")
			//they have a decimal second
			s = dateString.substr(20, 2);

			indexBump = 3;
			indexBump = 0;
			//they dont have a decimal second

		offsetOperator = dateString.substr(19 + indexBump,1);
		offsetHours = dateString.substr(20 + indexBump,2);
		offsetMinutes = dateString.substr(23 + indexBump,2);

		//this could be wrong if there is no operator
		operator = ((offsetOperator == "-") || (offsetOperator == undefined))? 1 : -1;

		//this could be wrong if offsethours or offsetminutes is undefined
		offset = operator * (Number(offsetHours) * 60) + Number(offsetMinutes);

			offset = 0;

		var minutes:Number;
		if(mm != "")
			minutes = Number(mm) + offset;

		var month:Number;
		if(MM != "")
			month = Number(MM) - 1;

		var year:Number;
		if(YYYY != "")
			year = Number(YYYY);

		var day:Number;
		if(DD != "")
			day = Number(DD);

		var hours:Number;
		if(hh != "")
			hours = Number(hh);

		var seconds:Number;
		if(ss != "")
			seconds = Number(ss);

		var utcTimeMS = Date.UTC(

		return new Date(utcTimeMS);;
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