Here is the next class from the MXNA Web Service sample app. This is the MXNAFeedView class, and is the main (and currently only) view class of the app.
It contains most of the UI elements for selecting and displaying categories and feeds.
You can also view the MXNAAppController class.
I will post the rest of the classes as I comment and finish them.
As usual, if you have any suggestions or questions, post them in the comments.
import mx.controls.ComboBox;
import mx.controls.DataGrid
import mx.controls.TextArea;
This class is the main view application. It contains the primary
UI elements for displaying information to the user.
class extends MovieClip
/* Declar functions that EventDispatcher adds */
private var dispatchEvent:Function;
public var addEventListener:Function;
public var removeEventListener:Function;
/* Components used in class */
private var category_cb:ComboBox;
private var feedDG:DataGrid;
private var feedField:TextArea;
private var titleField:TextArea;
private var urlField:TextArea;
/* used to load ranking stars into */
private var loadingClip:MovieClip;
These are proxies so we can direct the events to individual methods
and so we can run them in the scope of this class
private var categoryProxy:EventProxy;
private var feedGridProxy:EventProxy;
/* The enabled state of the class */
private var isEnabled:Boolean;
We have to store the current direction of the ranking sort
so we can manually sort it
private var rankingSortASC:Boolean;
/* Array of Months. This should really be in some */
private var MONTHS:Array = ["January",
/* Constructor. Most initialization done in onLoad */
public function MXNAFeedView()
/* initialize this class to broadclass events using EventDispatcher*/;
called when the class / symbol is loaded on stage. Most of the
initialization is done here
private function onLoad():Void
isEnabled = true;
rankingSortASC = true;
Create a proxy so the change event from the category ComboBox
can go to its own method, and be called in the scope of
this class
categoryProxy = new EventProxy(this, "onCategorySelect");
category_cb.addEventListener("change", categoryProxy);
//show up to 10 items at a time in the combo box dropdown
category_cb.rowCount = 10;
//only show the following columns in the datagrid
feedDG.columnNames = ["title", "name", "ranking"];
//size the columns in the datagrid
feedDG.getColumnAt(0).width = feedDG._width - 200;
feedDG.getColumnAt(1).width = 105;
feedDG.getColumnAt(2).width = 95;
//use a custom cell renderer for the ranking column.
feedDG.getColumnAt(2).cellRenderer = "MXNARankingCell";
//don't sort ranking column automatically
feedDG.getColumnAt(2).sortOnHeaderRelease = false;
//catch the headerRelease event so we can sort the ranking column manually
feedDG.addEventListener("headerRelease", this);
Create a proxy so the change event from the datagrid
can go to its own method, and be called in the scope of
this class
feedGridProxy = new EventProxy(this, "onFeedGridSelect");
feedDG.addEventListener("change", feedGridProxy);
//initialize feed data TextArea
feedField.html = true;
feedField.editable = false;
//initialize feed title TextArea
titleField.html = true;
titleField.editable = false;
titleField.wordWrap = false;
//no border
titleField.setStyle("borderStyle", "none");
//initialize feed url TextAre
urlField.html = true;
urlField.editable = false;
urlField.wordWrap = false;
//no border
urlField.setStyle("borderStyle", "none");
//setter for setting the enabled property
public function set enabled(enabled:Boolean)
isEnabled = enabled;
category_cb.enabled = enabled;
feedDG.enabled = enabled;
feedField.enabled = enabled;
titleField.enabled = enabled;
urlField.enabled = enabled;
//getter for enabled property
public function get enabled():Boolean
return isEnabled;
//populates the ComboBox with categories
//Takes on optional second parameter that specifies which field the label
//is stored within
public function setCategories(categories:Array, labelField:String):Void
if(labelField != undefined)
category_cb.labelField = labelField;
category_cb.dataProvider = categories;
//setter for the feeds to be displayed within the DataGrid
public function set dataProvider(dp:Array)
//clear all TextArea fields
//set the dataprovider for the DataGrid
feedDG.dataProvider = dp;
//select the first row in the data grid
feedDG.selectedIndex = 0;
//since the previous line does not trigger the change event, we need to
//manually call the displayFeed method, to display the info on the first
//simple methods that clears the TextArea and ranking stars
private function clearFields(Void):Void
titleField.text = "";
feedField.text = "";
urlField.text = "";;
//simple method to format a Date object into the format we want to display
private function formatDate(d:Date):String
//January 25, 2004��11:30 AM
var hours:Number = d.getHours();
var timeOfDay:String = "AM";
if(hours > 12)
timeOfDay = "PM";
hours = hours - 12;
//note, this will only work up until 2010
var year:Number = d.getYear() - 100;
//TODO: the minutes to be formatted when it is 1-9.
var out:String = MONTHS[d.getMonth()] + " " + d.getDate() + ", " +
"200" + year + " " + hours + ":" + d.getMinutes() +
" " + timeOfDay + " UTC";
return out;
//takes an item from the DataGrid, and display the specific information
private function displayFeed(feedItem:Object):Void
feedItem contains the following properties:
//bail if undefined
if(feedItem == undefined)
//title field
titleField.text = "<b>" + createLink(feedItem.title,, true) + "</b> (" +
createLink(, feedItem.websiteUrl, true) + ")";
//feed field
feedField.text = "<i>" + formatDate(feedItem.dateAggregated) + "</i><br>" +
feedItem.excerpt + "<br><br>" + createLink("Link...",, true, true);
urlField.text = createLink(,, true, true);
//ranking is passed in as a string
var star:Number = Number(feedItem.ranking);
//normally, we only rank items within the last 24 hours. Items older than
//24 hours rank 0, and dont show any graphic. However, this was confusing
//in the UI, so we will give items older than 24 hours 0 stars.
//Note that this does not necessarily mean they have no clicks, but
//rather that they are older than 24 hours.
//TODO : Fix this. Maybe a different graphic.
if(star < 1)
star = 1;
//display the appropriate star symbol
loadingClip.attachMovie("star" + star, "star", 998);
//simple method that generates HTML code for a link
//optionally takes two extra parameters that specify whether to
//color(highlight) and underline the link.
//TODO : Look into using style sheets
private function createLink(title:String, link:String,
highlight:Boolean, underline:Boolean):String
//default highlight to false
if(highlight == undefined)
highlight = false;
//default underline to false
if(underline == undefined)
underline = false;
//create the link
var out:String = "<a href=\"" + link +"\">" + title + "</a>";
//see if we need to add a font tag
out = "<font color=\"#003366\">" + out + "</font>";
//see if we need to add underline tags
out = "<u>" + out + "</u>";
return out;
/******** UI Event Handlers *********/
//broadcast by ComboBox when user selects an item in the combo
private function onCategorySelect(eventObj:Object):Void
//get the selected category
var category:String = category_cb.selectedItem[category_cb.labelField];
//broadcast an event that a category has been selected
dispatchEvent({type:"onSelectCategory", category:category});
//broadcast by the DataGrid when the user selects a row
private function onFeedGridSelect(eventObj:Object)
//get and display the item from the selected row
var item:Object = feedDG.selectedItem;
//broadcast by the DataGrid when the user releases from click one of the
//column headers
private function headerRelease(eventObj:Object)
//we only care if they clicked the ranking column, so ignore clicks
//from other columsn
//TODO : columnIndex should be put in a CONSTANT
if(eventObj.columnIndex != 2)
//reverse the ranking
rankingSortASC = !rankingSortASC;
//figure out which way to sort, and then call the appropriate function
//TODO : figure out if there is a better way to do this
var sortFunc = (rankingSortASC)? sortGridByRankingASC : sortGridByRankingDESC;
//sort the DG
//custom sorting functions for the ranking column
private function sortGridByRankingASC(a,b)
return Number(a.ranking) > Number(b.ranking);
private function sortGridByRankingDESC(a,b)
return Number(a.ranking) < Number(b.ranking);