File I/O in Central : What do you want?
The single most requested feature for Central has been File I/O support. So, how would you want File I/O implemented in Central? What would you use it for? What features / abilities do you want?
How would you rank the following in order of importance / usefulness?
- (A) Uploading/downloading files from a server.
- (B) Having a folder on the user’s computer where apps could save or open files, without querying the user.
- (C) Being able to open or save files from/to arbitrary locations on the user’s computer, using file dialogs.
- (D) Being able to create new files from arbitrary data in your app. Which files types would be useful here: text, xml, jpeg, etc.?
- (E) Being able to open, edit and save existing files. Again, which file types?
Post your feedback in the comments section.