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Macromedia Central Chat Application (beta)

I have been working on using the chat framework that Greg Burch and I put together to build a simple chat application for Macromedia Central. I is not complete, but I figured that people might be interested in checking it out.

You can install it using the install badge on the right (just click install).

I will be hanging around in the chat most of the day and will be chatting and answering questions about Central.

I will also be updating it though the week, so you can either manually check from within Central (Central Dev Chat > Check for Updates), or Central will periodically check for you.

You can access the preferences for the chat from Central Dev Chat > Preferences.

Biggest Known issues:

I plan to write an article discussing the application architecture, and posting the code on the DevNet site.

If you find any bugs, or have any suggestions, post them in the comments.

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