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Macromedia Central Public Beta

We have just launched a public beta of Macromedia Central in conjunction with Intel’s one unwired day. The beta is focused on giving users a chance to check out Macromedia Central before the final version is released.

The public beta includes:

You can install Central from the Central Product page (Windows and Mac)(Flash Player 6,0,65,0 or higher required).

We have also published some more information on Central, including:

It is important to note this is not the public developer beta which we have discussed, and thus there are currently no developer docs. We will be having a public developer’s beta in the next couple of weeks which will include documents, tutorials, samples and other resources.

Finally, this is a pre-release version of Central, and thus there are still some known issues. In particular, we have not yet done CPU and memory optimizations.

Check it out. Post any comments, questions, impressions in the comments section.

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