Macromedia Flash UI Components Set 5
As I posted earlier, the DevNet Resource Kit Volume 3 (DRK 3) is available today. One of the highlights of DRK 3 is the Flash UI Components Set 5.
The new component set includes the following components:
Tab View: The Tab component provides an advanced user-interface element for displaying and navigating between multiple elements within an application.
Week View: The Week View Calendar component allows users to navigate easily through a calendar and select days and weeks.
TextField: The TextField component is an easy-to-use text field that validates data and supports icons.
Slider: The Slider component gives developers an easy-to-use user-interface widget for selecting a value within a range.
Accordion Pane: The Accordion Pane component creates an advanced multi-section menu pane.

We have also provided extensive documentation for the components. This includes:
- Full Flash Reference Panel Documentation
- Full HTML Documentation
- Full PDF based documentation (nearly 300 pages!)
- Over 60 example files demonstrating virtually every single API.
We have made the HTML docs available online. You can view them here.
DRK 3 is available to DevNet Pro and DevNet Essentials Subscribers. If you already have a subscription you will be able to download DRK 3 from the subscription portal later today and you should receive your DRK cd in the mail in the next week or so.
If you are not a subscriber, you can find more information on DevNet Essentials and DRK 3 with the links below:
I will be posting some example files of the components over the next couple of days, so if there are any particular things you would like to see, or if you have any questions about the components post them in the comments.