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DesDev center is now the DevNet Center

The Macromedia Designer and Developer Center is one year old. It has become one of the top on-line resources showcasing the works, talents and knowledge of some of the top community leaders and developers.

Today we re-branded the site from DesDev to DevNet, why? From Craig Goodman’s article:

The Designer and Developer center has been extremely successfully, showcasing articles from some of the most talented developers and designers on the web. However, we felt that the name, Designer and Developer Center left out the most important part, the relationship between designers, developers and Macromedia. DevNet is the central space where designers and developers can “hook up” with Macromedia and other designers and developers. This may through contributing content and articles, exchanging components and extensions on the exchange, or communicating directly with other designers and developers on the forums.

Here are a couple of more article on DesDev’s first year:

You can visit the DevNet Center here.

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