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Setting the mime type in your Web Server for Apollo applications

From the Apollo Release Notes:

In order for client browsers to recognize an Apollo application when being downloded, the Web Server hosting the Apollo applications needs to map the following mimetype
to the Apollo extension “.air". For example, for an Apache Web Server you will add to the AddType section:
AddType application/vnd.adobe.apollo-application-installer-package+zip .air

Note, you can do this in the web server config, or if using Apache, in the .htaccess file.

Update (8/26/08) : The mime type changed for the AIR 1.0 release.

The correct MIME type for an AIR file is:


For example, to set the MIME type for the Apache server, you would add the following line to your Apache configuration file:

AddType application/vnd.adobe.air-application-installer-package+zip .air
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