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Quick Contest : Flash and Arduino

I have been working with integrating Flash and Arduino on a project lately, and really having a blast. It was pretty easy to get started, yet there is a ton of extensibility and flexibility.

Well, I don’t want to be the only one having this much fun, so I figured I would put together a quick contest. So, if you are interested in playing around with Flash and Arduino, then tell me why in the comment below. Let me know about what project you have in mind. Bonus points for creativity and visual aids.

The winner will receive the following:

I will pick a winner on Thursday morning, August 5th, 2010 (PST).

Post your submissions in the comments.

Update : Contest is now closed.

Update : Winners Announced

Wow!!! A ton of great ideas were posted, but one really stood out. So, the winner of the quick contest is:

Bryan Yen, for his Adobe Flash Garden Data Visualization idea. Not only is it a really interesting idea (which is completely doable, but Bryan went the extra mile with a great presentation. Bryan wins the Arduino Starter kit from AdaFruit, books and copy of Flash Builder.

However, as I mentioned above, I was really surprised by how many people were interested in this area. I can’t let all of these dreams and aspirations go unrealized, so (with some help from the Flash Platform budget people), everyone who entered an idea into the contest will receive an Arduino Budget pack.

I will send an email to everyone who won in order to get your shipping information. Please respond immediately so I can send everything out. Again, thanks to the Flash team, and to Adaruit.com for making this possible.

Make something cool!

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