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FITC San Francisco

I am really excited about the FITC San Francisco Flash conference, coming up in about a month. First, it is a FITC conference which means all of the top Flash designers and developers in the world will be speaking and hanging out. But more significantly, it is FITC in SAN FRANCISCO, the first major Flash conference in San Francisco in quite a while. As you probably know San Francisco is the home to the Flash authoring and player teams, as well as some of the top creative agencies and developers in the world. This makes it an amazing opportunity to not only see some of the coolest stuff going on in Flash today, but also hang out with all of the people making it happen.

I am doing a session talking about some of the lessons I learned around mobile optimizations while working on my PewPew game and other mobile projects over the past year or so. This will focus primarily on Android development, but is relevant for other Flash Player 10.1 mobile platforms, as well as desktop development.

So, what sessions and speakers am I most looking forward to?

Adobe Keynote : Kevin Lynch, CTO of Adobe, is driving the keynote this year, which means that we will get some deep insight to how Adobe views Flash’s role on the web, both today, and in the future.

Mario Klingemann : Welcome to the Sideshow : Mario is doing some of the most amazing stuff on the web today, and I think he has been giving the best talks of anyone else in 2010. This is a must see session.

Yugo Nakamura : Long Time No See : Yugo is one of my original Flash heroes who really got me into Flash. I haven’t seen him speak in years, so I am looking forward to seeing what he has been working on.

Andre Michelle : Pulsatile Crackle : As one of the developers behind AudioTool.com, probably the single most advanced application on the web today, this is a session you cant miss. Couple that with the fact that Andre continues to impress by creating dynamic and beautiful audio devices and experiments within Flash, and this session is a no brainer.

Ralph Hauwert : Skunkworks : I have to be honest and admit I dont understand how Ralph pulls of most of the graphics programming and projects that he does, but it still makes for an amazing session that shows off just how far the Flash player can be pushed today.

Erik Natzke : Art of Play : Natzke simply makes beautiful things. You cant go wrong with this session where he talks about his creative process and evolution.

You can find more information on FITC San Francisco, as well as purchase tickets on the FITC San Francisco site.

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