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FITC Amsterdam : Building High Performance iPhone Applications with ActionScript 3

Sorry for the two month hiatus on posting. I was on a sabbatical and vacation from work for the last 6 weeks of 2009, and have spent the first couple of weeks of 2010 busy working on code, and preparing some events for the spring (more on that in another post).

Some of the stuff I have continued to spend a lot of time working on, has been building iPhone content using the Flash CS5 private beta. I have been doing a lot of work on trying to figure out how to get the best performance, and understand the limits of Flash content on the device. I plan to make a separate post on that in the next couple of days.

Anyways, the conference season is about to be in full swing, and the first talk I am doing this year, will be at FITC Amsterdam next month on Flash and iPhone. The talk is titled “Building High Performance iPhone Applications with ActionScript 3” and will discuss how to get the best performance from your Flash content, as well as what type of Flash content is best suited for the device. In addition to talking about some general tips and tricks, I will also be discussing some of the new hardware accelerated APIs, and showing some games I have been working on (including my new game Unicorn Bacon Adventure!).

If you are in Europe, and haven’t signed up for FITC yet, then what are you waiting for?!?!? This is one of the best conferences in the world, and the speaker line up for Amsterdam is simply amazing.

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