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Resources for Learning more about Flash to iPhone

Below is a list of some of the best resources if you are interesting in getting a deeper understanding Adobe’s recent announcement that Flash CS5 will be able to output standalone applications for the iPhone.

Building Applications for the iPhone with Flash : My original blog post on the iPhone announcements.

Developer FAQ : Official FAQ which answers common questions about creating content for iPhone using Flash.

Why you should NOT care about building apps for the iPhone with Flash : Blog post I made which puts the announcement into the context of the other Flash Player 10.1 announcements.

Flash to iPhone : Excellent article by Veronique Brossier (who was on the private pre-release) going into deep technical detail about creating applications for the iPhone using Flash.

Flash on iPhone : My Experience : Blog post by Ben Garney (of pushbuttonlabs) talking about his experiences building the “Trading Stuff in Outer Space” game for the iPhone using Flash.

Designing Flash Applications for the iPhone : Max session from Arono Gourdol from the Adobe AIR team, talking about designing content for iPhone applications using Flash.

Optimizing Flash Content for iPhone Applications Max session from Scott Petersen and Chris Brichford (two of the engineers who are working on the Flash to iPhone compiler technology), which goes in depth into how the toolchain works, as well as tips and tricks for optimizing content for the platfrom.

Designing and Developing for the Multiscreen web : Max session from Thibault Imbert (bytearray.org) talking about tip and tricks when developing for mobile devices.

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