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onAIR Tour : Keeping Up With The Tour

Originally posted on onair.adobe.com blog.

Well, the European leg of the on AIR tour starts next week in Madrid. We are really excited to be on the road for the events again, and meet with all of the developers interested in Adobe AIR. Anyways, just as on the first leg of the tour, you can keep up with everything going on with the tour in a couple of ways.

Here is a list of the tour feeds:

Tour Weblog http://onair.adobe.com/blogs/tour/

Tour Video Blog http://onair.adobe.com/blogs/videos/

Tour Twitter Account http://www.twitter.com/onairbustour/>

Tour Flickr Group http://www.flickr.com/groups/onairbustour/

on AIR Tour You Tube Playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB1280DA21885D51D

Of course, all of those resources have feeds and apis, so you can keep up with the latest news and information from the tour anyway you like.

I would pay particular attention to the Twitter feed, as we use twitter quite a bit on the tour, as well as the tour blog for the latest news and information.

You can also keep up with blog posts and twitters from all of the speakers on the tour. You can find a list of the speakers and their blogs and sites on the tour info page.

FInally, we are working on bringing back the location / gps feed from the first tour, but are trying to work out some kinks with getting the data online.

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