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European User Group Tour : Mike Chambers and Lee Brimelow

Lee Brimelow and I are doing a two week European User group tour at the beginning of November. We will be discussing the Flash Platform and Adobe AIR (session descriptions below).

Here is the schedule, with links to the user group’s websites.

Here is a link the tour dates in Google Calendar (I’ll keep this updated).

We will also both be in Brighton for Flash on the Beach.

As you can see the schedule is pretty intense, but we are really excited about getting to meet and hang out with everyone.

Here are the session descriptions:

Flash Platform Update
Mike Chambers will give an overview of the Flash Platform, and talk about some of the latest news and developers around the Flash Player Adobe AIR and open source Flex. Mike will also discuss how Adobe’s technologies fit within the larger Rich Internet Application (RIA) space.

Adobe AIR for Interactive Designers Lee Brimelow
Adobe AIR allows web developers to extend their reach onto the desktop using technologies like Flash, Flex, HTML, and JavaScript. While this opens up a whole new world for developers, it also presents new opportunities and challenges for visual and interactive designers.

Note, I don’t have direct links for meeting info for some of the cities yet. Ill update the post as soon as I get the links. If you are a member of the user group, just email me, or post the links in the comments as soon as they are available.

Update : This is a user group tour, and not a full blown on AIR tour.

Update : Added direct links to register for Belgium, Rome, Denmark, Barcelona and Paris meetings.

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