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Example Code for 360Flex Apollo Session

During my Apollo overview session at 360Flex, I built a simple HTML editor that provided live preview and allowed the HTML to save to the desktop. It is a pretty simple app, but it shows an example of using both the File API in Apollo as well as HTML.

I mentioned in the session that I would post it online, so here it is:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute">
        <![CDATA[ import flash.filesystem.FileMode; import
        flash.filesystem.FileStream; import flash.filesystem.File; /* Called
        when the user wants to save the file */ private function onSave():void {
        //Get a reference to the desktop var desktop:File =
        File.desktopDirectory; //create a reference to the file on the desktop
        in which we will save html var saveFile:File =
        desktop.resolve(fileName.text); //create a FileStream instance to write
        to the file var fs:FileStream = new FileStream(); //open file in WRITE
        mode fs.open(saveFile, FileMode.WRITE); //write the string to the file
        fs.writeUTFBytes(input.text); //close the file / file stream fs.close();
        } /* called when text in the TextArea changes */ private function
        onTextChange():void { //pretty simple. Copy text from TextArea into HTML
        control as HTML html.htmlText = input.text; } ]]>

    <!-- Used to enter HTML -->

    <!-- Save Button -->

    <!-- File Name on Desktop to save HTML in -->
    <mx:TextInput id="fileName" right="72" bottom="10" text="test.html" />

    <!-- HTML field to do live preview of HTML -->
    <mx:HTML right="" left="" top="147" bottom="40" id="html" />

Post any questions in the comments.

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