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Macromedia Developer Relations Podcast #1

You may have seen this yesterday, but Christian Cantrell and I have put together the first Macromedia Developer Relations Podcast. It is 30 minutes of pure Macromedia geek, and covers the latest news and happenings around Macromedia technologies.

This podcast covers a number of topics, including an interview with Mark Anders, VP of engineering, working on Zorn, deep linking issues in RIAs, and the Flash / JavaScript Integration kit.

You can find a complete index of the show, as well as download the podcast from here.

UPDATED: You can download an archived version of the podcast here

You can subscribe to the podcast from here.

Btw, we are planning to add the podcast to iTunes, but they appear to be having some technical difficulties today. As soon as things calm down we will add it, and make a post on the podcast weblog.

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