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Mike Chambers' Weblog Has Moved

As you have probably noticed, my weblog has moved from markme.com to weblogs.macromedia.com.

The new url is:


Make sure to update your urls for the site and the rss feeds.

Christian Cantrell’s weblog has also moved, and eventually all of the weblogs on markme.com will be transitioned over.

The biggest changes are that the site has a new look (although not necessarily good). I tweaked the default templates, so they don’t look so hot, but I am going to try to spiff it up some over the coming weeks.

The other big change is that we are using a new spam controll system, which should hopefully reduce or eliminate weblog spam.

Finally, we have tried to redirect everything from markme.com, but there are probably quite a few links and posts still broken. So, if you find any errors, you can just post them in the comments here.

Updated : April 23, 2007 to point to new domain.

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