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Macromedia Central SDK Beta FAQ

I have put together a FAQ for the Central Developer (SDK) Beta. This will eventually be posted on our website, but I am posting this here to get the info out as quickly as possible.


What is the Macromedia Central Public Developer Beta?

The Macromedia Central Public Developer Beta is a public beta of the Macromedia Central Software Development Kit (SDK). It is intended to give developers a chance to begin learning about developing applications within Macromedia Central.

What does the SDK contain?

The SDK contains API and component documentation, sample applications, development and deployment utilities and other resources to help developers develop and deploy applications for Macromedia Central.

Where are the release notes for the SDK?

The release notes for the SDK are contained within the SDK download.

Does the beta include Macromedia Central?

The developer beta does not include Macromedia Central. A public beta of Macromedia Central is available for install from http://www.macromedia.com/go/install_central

I found an error in the SDK, where do I report it?

You can send any errors, feedback or other suggestions about the SDK and Macromedia Central on the Macromedia Central Feedback Page.

Where can I find more information about Macromedia Central?

You can find a list of Macromedia Central Resources in the Macromedia Central Resources page.

Are there non-English versions of the SDK available?

No. The initial release of Central and the Central SDK will be English only. We plan to add support for localized versions in 2004.

Where can I talk to other developers about the SDK?

There are a number of community forums / mailing lists dedicated to Macromedia Central:

If my client wants to contact Macromedia with a business proposal (co-branding, etc), who should they contact?

You can contact Mike Chambers at mesh@macromedia.com.


The Components documentation discuss an MDialogBox component, but I can’t find it. Is this a bug?

The MDialogBox component is a component for create modal dialog boxes. It is not included in the SDK but it will be available in the final version of Central and the SDK.

Why won’t the Central components work when I test my application within the Flash authoring environment?

The Macromedia Central components are actually contained within a shared library linked from Macromedia.com (and installed into Central). This leads to smaller application download sizes, as well as ensure that applications always run with the latest version of the components.

However, because of how Macromedia Flash handles shared libraries, then cannot be viewed within the authoring environment’s player. You must test your application within Macromedia Central in order to test the components.

Can I used Flash MX 2004 to develop applications for Macromedia Central?

Yes. Flash MX 2004 and Flash MX 2004 Pro can both be used to develop applications for Macromedia Central. Just be sure to set them to publish as Flash 6 format in File > Publish Settings.

How do I test my Macromedia Central Applications?

Because they utilize APIs available within the Macromedia Central environment, Central applications must be tested within Macromedia Central. You can use the debug tools included with the SDK to debug the applications as they run within Central.

You can find more information on the development process for Macromedia Central in chapter 1 of the Developing Applications PDF on the SDK and in this quick-start guide.

Do I need to reinstall my application to test it each time I make a change?

No. You only need to install your application into Central for testing once. After that, you can set the Flash Authoring environment to publish directly into the Central environment. You can find more information on how to set this up in chapter 1 of the Developing Applications PDF on the SDK and in this quick-start guide.

How do I debug my application? Can I use trace()?

Yes. Central has support for catching trace() calls within an application, and redirecting them to the Central debug panels included within the SDK. Currently though, you must include the following link of ActionScript within your application:

debug.enabled = true;

in order to enable debugging. This step will not be necessary in the final version of Central. You can find more information on the testing and debugging process in chapter 1 of the Developing Applications PDF on the SDK and in this quick-start guide.

The SDK mentions that I need to get a product id in order to install my application within Macromedia Central. Where do I get a product id?

You can get a product ID for your application from http://www.macromedia.com/go/central_productid.

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