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Central Public Developer Beta (SDK) is Available

We have released the public developers beta . This beta includes a beta version of the Software Development Kit (SDK). It does not include a new version of Central.

Here are the relevant URLs:

Couple of Notes:

The release notes are included within the SDK. One item that was omitted
from the release notes is that the MDialogComponent is not included in the
SDK, although it is documented. It will be available in the final version of
Central and the SDK.

We have also made the beta weblog public. This contains a lot of good
information, although some of it might be out of date. If you find any
errors / out of date info, just post a comment in the comment section for
the item and I will fix it.


Finally, we have created a public mailing list for discussing development for
Macromedia Central. You can join the list at:


I will post a step by step guide to getting started shortly. In the mean time, check out Chapter 1 of the the Developing Central Apps PDF included on the SDK.

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