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Where is Macromedia Central?

Oscar Trelles, commenting on Sean Voisen’s post about Central notes that he feels that discussion about Macromedia Central has died down recently and wonders if it is still on track.

Well, considering that Central is still in beta, we have actually been talking about it quite a lot. In fact, I think that we have been more open about Central than any other pre-release product. Of course, the past couple of weeks all of then attention has been focused on the MX 2004 launches (and rightfully so), but now that they are out the door, you will begin to hear even more about Central.

We will be publishing an article soon on the website with an update, but I wanted to post some of the information here in order to get it out as soon as possible. Central is still on track, and development is going well. We were originally aiming for a late summer release, but have decided to push it back a couple of months. Why? Well, we are really focusing on making this as solid a first version as possible, and we needed some extra time for some additional development and usability testing.

We are slowly ramping up the beta, and will be having a public beta in the next couple of weeks. So, if you are not on the beta yet, don’t worry, you will have plenty of time to get up to speed before Central is released.

I will also be speaking about Central at the Flash Parade conference in October, and of course, we will have a ton of info and sessions on it at the Macromedia Max conference in November.

As always, if you have any questions, post them in the comments (note, there might be a short delay before I respond to any questions).

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